2011, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 21, ഞായറാഴ്‌ച

Latest  Decisions
Cabinet Sub-Committee on raising of Retirement age and Right to Service Act
 Government have constituted a Cabinet Sub-Committee  to discuss with the  Service Organisations and others on raising of Retirement age and on the implementation of Right to Service Act. For details view/ download GO(Ms) No.347/2011 /Fin Dated 17/08/2011.
Pay Revision 2009-Time Limit for Exercising Option extended
Government have extended the time limit for exercising option, for a further period of  six months, ie till 25/02/2012.For details view /download  GO(P) No.354/2011/(8) /Fin  Dated 18/08/201


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